Take priority over other types

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Take priority over other types

Post by Juthi52943 »

Disclose confidential information, or damage systems. Loss or Theft of Equipment: Loss or theft of business equipment such as PCs, laptops or mobile devices, which can be misused to steal data or launch a full-blown cybersecurity attack. 2. Sort security incidents by severity Security incidents differ in consistency and severity. A corrupted file on your employee's laptop may be considered low priority compared to a DDoS attack that can undermine the performance of the entire site.

Define the severity of each security incident to prioritize it within the action plan. A good way to do this is by assessing whether the incident involves data (inaccessibility, data Job Function Email List theft or loss) or the company's ability to serve customers or conduct operations. Any incident that affects both data and operational security should of events. Create a document indicating to what extent your company's operations and data are affected (zero, low, medium or high level.


You will understand what priority you should assign to the incident in question. It also sets a time frame for resolving all detected incidents. Ideally, high-priority incidents should be resolved within 2-6 hours of being detected, while low-priority incidents have a 24-hour margin. 3. Create an incident response flowchart with the steps to follow An incident response plan determines the measures to be taken to contain an attack. By developing your plan in the form of a flowchart, incident response team members will be able to quickly identify the path forward to mitigate threats.
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