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5 Ways to Bond with Your Blog’s Audience

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:17 am
by Jannat12
You’re smart. You know you need to be helpful on your blog in order to grow your audience. You share useful tips. You give away free tutorials. But somehow you’re not connecting with your readers. Your blog seems a little quiet. Sure, you’re getting some traffic. But a certain spark is missing. It’s not the enjoyable party you’d imagined it to be. Is it getting you down? Today I’m sharing five tips to engage with your readers, make them feel at home, and to turn your blog into a nice and warm get-together. Sound good? 1. Write conversationally Nobody gossips with a company.

Nobody connects Phone Number List with a robot. Nobody bonds with a corporation. To engage your readers, you need to sound human. Write as if you’re talking with an imaginary friend. Start a conversation. Imagine the questions your friend would ask you, and answer these questions. Consider the challenges your friend is facing and help him (or her) with sound advice. Avoid sounding robotic or corporate: Use everyday words and exclamations like Yep or Hell no! Skip gobbledygook. Words like market-leading, innovative, and best-in-class make your writing stilted. Use short sentences. Feel free to start your sentences with And, But, Because, or Or. Address your reader directly.


Use the word you, because it’s one of the most powerful words in the English language. Use the word I. Just like in a face-to-face conversation. Pose questions in your text. Cut down on adjectives and adverbs. Don’t sound like a flowery, pompous press release. Blogging isn’t like essay writing. Let your personality shine through. Add distinctive phrases. Include a few quirky words. Use phrases that only you would use. Read your blog post aloud. Does the blog post sound like you? Do you stumble at certain points?