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Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:27 am
by aliciarabin4
Although these terms may be confused as similar, their characteristics and functionalities are unique and different in each case. An optimal internet connection in your company does not depend solely on the server. You must take care of other aspects such as bandwidth, speed and latency: – Bandwidth: allows you to transmit the data you need at maximum capacity. – Connection speed: determines the time it takes and in what quality you can upload or download data and information from the network. – Latency: is essential to determine how long it will take for information to arrive from a computer to a receiver and that can cause delays. On the one hand, the connection speed influences the latency when we go from a predetermined range.

On the other hand, latency is usually associated with broadband, but, although both affect connection speed, broadband allows a large amount of data to be transmitted, while latency determines at what speed that amount of data is transmitted. Summarizing all of the above, we must take into account that although latency, bandwidth and speed belong to a similar language, their characteristics and Phone Number List functionalities are different. You must understand that an optimal internet connection service does not depend only on a server failure but also other factors such as: > the bandwidth that will allow you to transmit the amount of data you need at maximum capacity; > the speed that will determine how fast and the quality with which you can upload or download data and information from the network > And to end the latency, a normal internet latency is essential to determine how long it will take for information to get from a device to a receiver.


HOW DOES LATENCY AFFECT CONNECTION SPEED? Internet connection speed influences latency once it exceeds a certain range. If, for example, you have an Internet connection of 1 Mbps and you compare it with a 100 Mbps connection, depending on the data package that is sent, the speed will be better or not. There are other factors that are also important when talking about latency, such as being connected to the Internet by Wi-fi or through cable, if you use fiber optic service or the distance between your computer, phone, tablet and the router etc. Connection latency is also the sum of other delay issues: – Processing: is the time it takes for the routers to examine the header and, at the same time, the response to determine where to send any data packet by checking their routing tables beforehand.