Branded search and that’s going to warp

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Branded search and that’s going to warp

Post by jannatulsani »

It’s gonna come through branded Right? Brand. You can’t hear me when I turn away from you. everything and make it look like search is where the vast majority is spent. And if you’re bidding on keywords, branded keywords, guess what? That’s gonna look like, oh, yeah, branded search keywords. That’s where all of our valuable traffic comes from not realizing that it was actually these people that drove all of this activity that now look like you can acquire it over here.

Yes, baloney. Okay. Financial analysts though, when they look at channels like these, they cannot calculate those important metrics. They can’t tell you which channel could we spend money on, right, to Madagascar Email List get more visitors, to get more sales in Maybe traffic they could, but visitor but sales, probably not converting visits, no, what’s the marginal which channel sends the marginal highest converting visits, right? So, oh, okay, Facebook sent this, Google sent this.


Well, we can’t really show our social investments on like organic LinkedIn have we have no idea a lot of that is dark social, a lot of it comes through later on and it doesn’t come through directly. And if we spend X more (this is the crucial part); if we spend x dollars more, how much more money are we going to make? If we go and we do another big media by how many more sales are we gonna and because this measurable hard to attributable channel can’t answer that question perfectly in a spreadsheet format it gets under invested in.
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