How to Use Video Prospecting to Generate More Leads

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How to Use Video Prospecting to Generate More Leads

Post by sarmin12 »

Cold outreach campaigns are a nightmare for most marketers. Cold emails generally have low open rates and even lower levels of engagemen asked what type of content consumers wanted to see from brands, 54% of the respondents said videos. Video consumption has also increased tremendously in the last few years.

video is the preferred content type by

So, why don’t more businesses create videos to give consumers what they want? It’s the logical thing to do, right?

In today’s article, I will show you how you can breathe life UAE Phone Number

into your outreach campaigns through video prospecting.

Prospecting refers to the activity of turning a prospect into a genuine lead or opportunity. Before we look at how you can use video in these different outreach campaigns, let’s look at the basics of prospecting through emails.

Introduce yourself
The first critical step in any outreach campaign is introducing yourself to the right person. Therefore, start by looking for the right person in the organization you’re reaching out to. You can find that person on professional platforms like LinkedIn. You can also use tools such as Voila Norbert to find the prospect’s email address.

Once you get the contact information, craft a killer introduction email. Mention your name, company, and the position you hold. Then, point out your services. Keep the whole email short and sweet.

Lastly, add a short paragraph offering your services and include the appropriate call to action (CTA).

The key difference between video prospecting emails and regular outreach emails is that you can use a video as your CTA. So, instead of sending potential customers to a regular sales or landing page, direct them to an in-depth video covering your services.

Include testimonials in your follow-up email
We usually hope that potential clients will get back to us after sending the initial introduction email. Sadly, that rarely happens. Some prospective customers will read your message but will not reply. Others won’t even open the email in the first place. That’s where the follow-up email comes in.

You want to prove that your solution works in the follow-up email. What better way to do that than through testimonials?

Testimonials provide the social proof you need to convince prospects that you’re an expert in your field. Although short customer testimonials can get the job done, you will find that case studies are more effective.

For example, Drift focused on customer results instead of the product itself. As you can see below, Drift included a mini case study showing the impact of switching from lead forms to conversational marketing.


With a case study, you can walk your prospects through the customer journey of your previous or current client. Tell the story of how your product or service solved the client’s pain points. Even better, let the client tell the story themselves through video interviews.

Be sure to include some figures as well. Don’t just say you increased the client’s web traffic or sales. Share exact figures or percentages of those results.

Look at your current or previous clients and find the perfect subject for your case study. Ideally, you want to go with a client that other prospects can relate to. So, find someone who has similar pain points or interests as your target audience.

Offer free content
In the last email, try giving out something for free to see if it’ll capture the prospect’s attention. You can offer a free consultation, for example. Tell the prospect to pick out a date and schedule the appointment.

You could also showcase your expertise by providing a free report. For example, if you’re pitching a CRM product, do your homework on the field. You can investigate the latest CRM trends, for example. Then, generate a report and demonstrate how your product aligns with those trends, how it can help the prospect interact with his customers better and make more sales.

Don’t send out the entire report, though. Remember, the goal of this email is to pique the prospect’s interest and get them to engage with you. Therefore, provide just a tiny scoop and ask the lead to get back to you for the full report.
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