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Improved customer management

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:39 am
by derzisispi@gufu
Up to spending over . For carefully studied pages where marketing analysis the target and contents are carefully studied. Be wary of lower prices very often smaller agencies use generic templates limiting themselves to inserting a few that you suggest doing so will hardly help you differentiate yourself from the .petition. Instead a lot of experimentation and attention to detail is needed to build a landing page that can quickly pay for itself. Remember that you will also have to allocate an additional budget to promote your page through sea (search engine advertising) campaigns the use of social media or newsletters in order to bring profiled visitors.

Due to their high specialization they are not suitable for obtaining good positioning on search engines. Landing page example the husse varese case study for this reason we thought that a single web page optimized Email List around a single message and promoted through an adwords campaign could allow the customer not to create an entire site but to split the investment between creation and promotion. Creation of landing page the site is dedicated to the presentation of a local nutritionist from husse a leading .pany in the sale of food products for pets.


Husse in addition to the high quality of the products offered has set up its business model on a sales system that skips the distribution of products in stores and offers direct delivery to the customer's home by a nutritionist who is able to evaluate our animal and the most correct food and care products for our four.legged friend. The landing page in addition to presenting the sales system and the husse philosophy contains a selection of the main products divided by animal and dedicates a section to the local agent. A photo shoot at our studio allowed us to take useful shots for the creation of the site and .munication on social media.