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Jacket user Jacket user Sorry

Post by Joitaranirt »

Good luck Parham Sobhani Parham Sobhani Hello dont be bored Im sorry can you use this landing page to edit the content images and background... and use it for other occasions And can it be run inside the main domain or does it need a subdomain Deko Deko Seller Hello and css you can edit all parts of the template. The template can be implemented in any domain and does not depend on the subdomain.

Good luck Parham Sobhani Parham Sobhani Is it the same for editing images and backgrounds Senegal Phone Number Deko Deko Seller Yes Parham Sobhani Parham Sobhani Can it be done with this plugin Deko Deko Seller Hello this template is html and cannot be edited with WordPress plugin.The only way to edit the template is to edit the html and css codes Jacket user Jacket user Hello I wanted to buy this template but it is not displayed correctly in the mobile browser and it is completely messed up. Please check and solve the problem so that I can make the purchase.


Thank you. Deko Deko Seller Hello I checked and there is no problem. Please send me the name of the browser and the device you checked the template with along with the part that has a problem. Jacket user Jacket user iPhone device iOS operating system and Chrome and Safari browsers when we enter the fonts and the format are messed up so that it cannot be scrolled.
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