Six-Figure Pipeline in Less Than Six Hours Per Week

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Six-Figure Pipeline in Less Than Six Hours Per Week

Post by magite »

But what these entrepreneurs forget is that they have Whatsapp手机号码列表 to take on twice as many clients to make the same amount of money! Now, instead of 200 customers, they would need 400 customers to reach their goals. Now think how ridiculous that is. You're going to work hard AND you're going Whatsapp手机号码列表 to pay someone else. The math doesn't add up. On the other hand, let's go back to this client who pays you a retainer of $2,500 per month. To reach your $100,000 revenue goal, you only need FOUR of them. It's more reasonable to think about it, isn't it? So put it in this perspective: all you need is four people to pay you $2,500 a month or eight people to pay $1,200 a month and you're there.

It's much more achievable. Can you find eight people? Can you check Whatsapp手机号码列表 your LinkedIn contacts and find 8 companies that might need your services? Do you know people who work for small or medium-sized businesses who need marketing help? Of course you do! Be a specialist Whatsapp手机号码列表 and be very good at it. How did we end up charging $100 an hour? This number is based on market rates for digital marketing consultants in the United States. But $100 an hour is just the start. To charge more for your time, it pays to specialize or "niche research." Instead of being a marketing generalist claiming expertise in all areas of digital marketing, focus Whatsapp手机号码列表 on one area where you can apply a common methodology and process to multiple clients.

Say “I only focus on strategy” or “I only focus on Whatsapp手机号码列表 development” or “I only focus on analysis”, for example. To develop my own consulting practice, I had to nestle myself. Even though I'm proficient in many areas, such as PPC, SEO, analytics, email marketing, and all sorts of other cool stuff, I only take on a specific type of consulting project. . I really only do analytics consulting and only for Google Analytics platform. Why? Because I realized that Whatsapp手机号码列表 there is no efficiency to be gained by doing an SEO project one day, an analytics project another day, and then a third PPC.
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