9 designers created the motivational posters we all need after 2020

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9 designers created the motivational posters we all need after 2020

Post by samiul »

If you’re like everyone else on the planet, you could use a little pick-me-up after this year. No matter why you’re down (and there are certainly no shortages of reasons), we all could benefit from a little inspiration, a little creativity and a little humor about the events of 2020. So we asked our worldwide community of designers to create some motivational posters to reflect the vibe of the last year—and the sense of hope for 2021.

In our recent Design Without Borders report, we surveyed 11,000 designers in 147 countries about their 2020 experiences. While designers faced many challenges, they also revealed an undeniable sense of optimism for the future. In fact, an astonishing 98% of freelancers whatsapp mobile number listresponded that they felt optimistic about 2021, both regarding the industry and on a personal level. You can see that optimism shine through in the 9 motivational posters below. We hope you can look at them and share our hopefulness… or at least crack a momentary smile! Never Be Afraid To Do You!

by Super South Studios — 2020 motivational posters from freelance designers Never Be Afraid To Do You! by Super South Studios Super South Studios created this poster as an ode to self-acceptance after facing hard times. In the words of the designer: “I lost my job this year due to COVID-19 and had to re-evaluate my life and what career I was going to pursue, so I decided to delve into illustration and animation because this is something I very much enjoy to do. My family does not support my choice, but I have decided that my happiness is more important than their judgment.”
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