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15 Top SEO Trends for 2018

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 9:06 am
by rakibhasan12
2017 is coming to an end. Soon I will have to throw away last year's Christmas tree and buy a new one. This physical labor can wait, however, for now we should use up what little gray matter we have left before we can let them recharge over the holidays. With another year changing, now is one of the best times to reflect on the latest SEO trends. There are reasons to believe that 2018 will take us in new directions and that some of our working principles will be strengthened. What SEO trends and techniques does 2018 have in store for us? Let's take a look into the very near future and prepare for that.

Voice search accounts for 20% of all online searches. By 2020, this number could very well reach 50%. We are on the precipice of a new era on the Internet, which means Compre banco de dados de e-mail ​new things for future SEO experts like you and me to learn and master. The future is so pitiless! Voice search optimization may take some getting used to because it's different from your orthodox way of searching for things on Google. Instead of rambling words and incomplete sentences, users tend to speak using real, relevant questions that search algorithms will have to work with. In other words, you'll need to start optimizing websites for this new breed of “voice keywords”. Imagine long-tail keywords except with a head that comes in one of six different shapes ("who", "what", "where", "when", "why", "how") and a curved tail as a question mark. These are voice keywords.

Get creative with question variations and research them all in WebCEO's Keyword Suggestions tool. The number of global and local searches for your chosen keyword will tell you how competitive it is (you may not want it to be too competitive). And of course, don't forget to forward questions with valid, detailed answers so the Google app can read them aloud. As always, Google will favor websites that provide users with an enjoyable and engaging experience. Conversely, websites that fail to deliver will instead see a drop in rankings. As the quality of websites increases around the world, user expectations will also continue to increase, so be careful not to fall behind!