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The payment methods that OnlyFans

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 3:56 am
by habibajui
If what you want, however, is to subscribe to a cooking channel or that of a celebrity, the first thing you have to do is register ( via Twitter or directly from the platform ). And then? Give me your money! Enter the payment method and say bye bye to your money. You can do it from your profile or by going to subscribe to your first channel. currently supports are Master

Card and Visa credit or debit cards, forget about PayPal. If the profile you have subscribed to disappoints you, it does not accept returns so you have no choice but to swallow the entire month. It's like when Canada Email List you go to the movies and you enter the room with your bowl full of popcorn and the excitement of watching a movie: if you don't like the movie, you'll have to console yourself with the popcorn.


Of course, you can unsubscribe from the subscription for the next month. OnlyCelebrities & other issues In case you are wondering which celebrities have joined the bandwagon of this tool, here are some examples: Cardi B, Mia Khalifa, Jacobo Ostos and Nacho Vidal, among others. Many of them with very, very hot content. But the most famous case on