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You can make blog posts more

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:02 am
by egyptmailing33
6. Improve scannability & readability to keep readers engaged Google also considers engagement metrics, like time on page, when determining the helpfulness and value and, ultimately, rank position of content. So, simply drawing readers to your blog post isn’t enough — you have to keep them interested. Aside from delivering high-quality content with helpful visuals, you can keep readers engaged simply by improving the readability of your post. Think about it: would you rather read a blog post with long walls of text or a post with short sections, clear lists, and scannable takeaways? (We’ll assume the latter.) scannable by: Writing in short sections — 3 to 5 lines per blurb Using bold or italics to emphasize important points Using bullets to explain “how to” steps or complex ideas Using clear, easy-to-read headings Including a TOC that tells readers what content covers Eliminating long, hard-to-read sentences You can use a (free) tool like Hemingway to detect long sections and hard-to-read sentences, but Clearscope SEO reports will also give you a readability grade as you write.

Improving the scannability of Mauritania Email List content with clear lists, bolding, and bullets can also increase your chances of being pulled as a featured snippet. For example, our post with steps to update website content appears at the top of the SERP, where readers can get the gist and click in to read more. Improve scannability for reader experience and SEO 7. Include call-to-actions (CTAs) that prompt readers to take next steps with your brand Most teams invest in SEO content creation because they want to achieve a specific goal (or goals) from content marketing. For example, as mentioned above, you may want to drive brand awareness or product sales, but you may also have more focused goals, like increasing newsletter, webinar, or online course sign-ups.


So, if a blog post was written with a specific goal in mind, you should include a call-to-action that prompts readers to take steps towards that goal — whether that be purchasing a product, filling out a contact form, or signing up for your newsletter. Even if content is blatantly selling a product or suggesting readers take a specific action, you should still prompt readers towards that action (and make it easy to take those steps — for example, by including the link to the product, contact form, or newsletter sign-up page). And it’s OK to directly ask readers to take those next steps as long as you’re strategic in your messaging and explain why those steps are valuable to the reader.