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How To Extend The Life Of Your Instagram Partnership

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:31 am
by Jahangir7164
Why do we care so much about making sure your influencer partnership has more than one leg to lean on? It's plain and simple, you're not going to see a return on investment when working with micro-influencers on Instagram with a single point of contact. Even when working with bigger influencers, you won't see a return, but you may see a slight increase in traffic and conversion due to their large number of followers. It takes more than one visual, one message, and one post to get someone to make a buying decision on Instagram. With YouTube, that life is a little different. We've seen YouTube convert very well for our customers for executive email list several reasons:YouTube already has a longer lifespan than Instagram. Influencers might post on Instagram once a day or even twice, while YouTubers typically post every two weeks to a few times a week. Typically, YouTubers post once a week, which means the video has a better chance of getting maximum exposure and not being missed. gain visibility months and even years later. YouTube is basically an infomercial about your product. A YouTube video has the ability to showcase the product or service and include all the key messages you're looking for, rather than cramming the most important information into an Instagram post. YouTube has a link right in the video description, making it easier and easier for someone to visit your site and convert.

The problem with YouTube is that it is significantly more expensive than Instagram. At a minimum, YouTube videos cost a few hundred dollars plus the product and then go up from there and can cost tens of thousands of dollars. This is because there is a lot of time spent shooting and editing the video, and it takes up more space on their profile, making it more competitive for brands to lock down this feature. This is why Instagram can be a more affordable option, as many influencers will accept product giveaway executive email list campaigns or giveaway campaigns with lower sponsored fees than YouTube. This is where we as marketers have to find the best opportunity to get the most out of the campaign. Related: Breaking Down the Different Social Channels for Influencer Marketing The real headache comes from Instagram and how to increase that longevity. This is where we come to the influencer marketing funnel…Traditional_digital PR The influencer marketing funnel At Power Digital, we think of influencer marketing as its own marketing funnel: you have cold traffic at the top, hot traffic in the middle, and hot traffic at the bottom. Cold traffic is someone who doesn't know about your brand, product, service and hasn't visited your site, or in this case may have never visited your Instagram page and been on the site no more. We want to reach those with cold traffic with an Instagram post or Instagram Stories unbox to introduce them to the brand. This can include an image or video tagged to your brand's Instagram page, or in the case of Instagram Stories, can even direct them with a link to your site.

At this point, that cold traffic becomes hot traffic now that they know the brand, but at that first point of contact, they may not have taken any action. It's really hard to be a "thumbs up" on Instagram when people follow so many of their friends, family members and influencers/bloggers. The second message from your campaign-based partnership might even be the first contact for some of their followers who missed the first message. Once you hit that audience with another post, whether it's a second executive email list Instagram post or a second Instagram story, that warm traffic is more likely to convert. As this hot traffic continues to get touchpoints from the same influencer, they are then converted into hot traffic when they actually visit your website or follow the brand on Instagram. If at any point someone on Instagram leaves the app and goes to the brand's website and you run Facebook or Instagram ads with a retargeting pool, they will be added to that pool and can then being hit by ads for your brand that keep pushing them down the funnel to eventually convert.