8 Reasons Why Your Website Isn't Generating Leads

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8 Reasons Why Your Website Isn't Generating Leads

Post by Jahangir7164 »

If your website is struggling to collect leads, chances are you need to change your mindset. A common pitfall is positioning their website as a brochure of their products and services. This is the wrong way of thinking. Your website should be a marketing tool that actively generates leads. In fact, the sole purpose of marketing is to generate leads. From there, leads turn into revenue. Your website must generate potential leads from at least 3% of your visitors. Here are a few reasons why you might be struggling to sms marketing service reach that number:1. You don't have a clear call to action. A call to action is a button or graphic that prompts visitors to engage more with your brand, typically a landing page or conversion page. Some common examples are: free trials, downloads, email subscription, tours, donations, etc. A call to action is one of the fastest ways to drive visitors to a conversion rate. Therefore, your CTA should be clear, eye-catching and highly visible. Don't bury your CTA button at the bottom of the page with a small font, highlight it. Each click is a track. 2. Your website is not structured like a funnel.

One way to avoid having a “brochure website” is to organize your website so that it acts as a conversion funnel. Visitors should be directed to a call to action or landing page that facilitates the purchase journey. In other words, each click should serve one purpose: conversion. If the mountains were not tilted, the water would never reach the village. You need to point your visitors in the right direction sms marketing service with a structured flow. Not only does this make them more comfortable with your site, but it also allows you to collect data on the exact pages where they drop out of the process. This data will help you correct the course. 3. Your company is not human enough. A very off-putting feature of a website is that the company information is minimal, hidden, or too corporate. You want to offer visitors a glimpse behind the curtain. It can be as simple as having clear contact information or an “about us” page with a company history and employee photos. Consumers want to do business with brands they trust.

Corporate videos are the most compelling way to build trust and show the human side of your business. It also shows a level of professionalism and expertise, especially when compared to competitors who don't use similar content. When showing customers who you are, be sure to speak to your specific target audience to maximize familiarity. 4. You need a blog. The power of blogging is greatly sms marketing service underestimated and widely misunderstood. Blogging is one of the best ways to improve your ranking on Google. You can increase your organic leads by providing valuable, high-quality content on your business blog. Not only that, but the traffic generated from a blog post comes from people who are actually interested in your products. In other words, qualified leads .
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